
How to offend someone in less than 10 seconds?

by  |  earlier

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just out of complete curiosity, how would YOU offend someone using style and character? obviously it needs to be legal, and saying things like a plain F U is just childish..




  1. wow and how old are you? X years old. Yes, u do look ur age. Life must be pretty hard on you!

    Oh this one is a classic:  there was this guy I met once. He was with a little girl in a pram.  I thought it was his grandaughter so I asked him, "Oh, so you are with your grandaughter, are you?"

    he said, "no, that's my daughter"


    and he then proceeded to ask me out on a date! apparently he didn't get offended by my question...

  2. I'm sorry, you don't look g*y.

    If I throw a stick will you leave.

    I bet your mother has a loud bark.

    I hope you are sterile.

    Why don't you slip into something more a coma?

    Are your parents siblings?

    Where'd you get your haircut, the pet shop?

  3. if its a man...

    do you ever wake up some mornings wishing you had a p***s?

  4. Tell her: "As soon as you walked through the door I developed a strange, immediate hankering for a fish sandwich slathered in vinegar."  We should mate.  

  5. "Your twin brother / sister is waay better looking than you"

  6. wow congratulations, whens the baby due?

  7. Would you like the number of a great plastic surgeon?

    Did your mother have any children that lived?

    OMG!  I had no idea you have been sick.

  8. if its a girl on her own ask her how much she charges

    if its a guy and a girl tell the guy whoa how much did you pay for that thing

  9. oh, i'm so sorry about the car accident.

  10. say this:

    are you sick or do you always look like this?

  11. Hey(persons name)sorry i ruined the sleepover yesterday

    (if you understand this)

  12. Who's the father?

  13. O.k. how about "Hi there FATSO!"?...or "Hey BIG butt.."..or "Your perfume STINKS" (for ladies)..or "Hey SKINY, who`s your UGLY friend"? you insult TWO for price of one...ha-ha-ha...

  14. ooh im sorry about your accident at birth man you really got it bad

  15. you've a lovely daughter, oh you are the daughter oops

  16. slap them in the face and say i hate your race!!

    even if you and that person are both in the same

    ethnic group.

  17. Do you need help with trying to fing your birth parents or is this a biological failure?

  18. be racist

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