
How to open a jammed front door?

by  |  earlier

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our front door was slammed shut and the door k**b fell off. the door is jammed shut and wont budge, how can we open it?




  1. Remove the latch mechanism from the inside & inspect.

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  2. remove the door k**b that is left and look in the door take a flat blade s***w driver and put it where the k**b went and turn it try to open the door. if that does not work then take the flat blade s***w driver and put it next to the door where the striker plate is on an angle and hit with a hammer to move the lock set striker.

  3. try to unscrew the door then start kicking it and hitting it down.then buy a new door and make sure you dont get the the door jammed again. LOL


  4. with your foot

    and hard

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