
How to open a school in India?

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How to open a school in India?




  1. Hello *,

    Am planning to start a new school in Tamilnadu, India. First a primary one to five and later move to higher education.

    I would like to have some information as to

    1. What are the rules for starting a school?

    2. Is there any legislation?

    3. What is the procedure for starting & running a school (from Govt. perspective, would be very happy if an experienced person can give this info)

    4. What are your valuable suggestions for running a school?

    5. The current school syllabus is good but it is not practical enough, so what are the innovative things that we can do to make them practical, interesting & appealing to the students

    6. Any other suggestions or your feedback for/from running a school would be very much appreciated

    If you have answer to only one or two points also, please do not hesitate to mail me - mailto:

    If you are not sure of any of the above points, mail me & I will clarify the same....

    Hope together we can do a good job in molding the Citizens of the future.

    Awaiting a flood of responses from a lot of responsible citizens (I know you are one of the responsible ones - don’t worry if you think that your idea is stupid or idiotic - most of the times, the stupid ideas give rise to great things).

    Thanks in Advance,




  2. im trying to open the school in Punjab,.,.,.,,

    can u plz help me to open the school and how can i make a project on it,.,.,.,

    my email id is (

    plz help me ASAP

  3. how opan school in rajasthan india

  4. i wand to open a D.A.V branch in Madhubani (Bihar), i have compleated my M.B.A and presently working in retail. But really eager to start up school in my home town. I have sufficient land but dont have much knowledge from where to start... please show mw a proper guidence..

  5. On a serious note - Just the question I was searching the answer for,.
    Maybe someone can answer me on that one...
    my email is
    Please don't spam me for inquiry into a good cause..
    Thank you

  6. how to start a school upto 12th standard

  7. I want to open a primary school in Nagpur...can you help me how to start

  8. JIVEM provides a one stop solution for opening and running a private school in India. With an experience of more than 25 years, we specialise in all aspects of school education. We have a team of experienced educationists and business analysts who have expertise in all nuances of school education. Right from conceptualizing a school, financing, getting students and staff, obtaining legal approvals and board affiliation, construction planning, operations and policy making, furniture, laboratory and sports equipments, library and even school automation software that can reduce operation costs to 50%. Please send in your inquiry to

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