
How to open gz ,rpm ,bz2 ,deb ,iso ,tar files ?

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I got a CD in a computer magazine called "Linux for you" in which the software and games are in the above formats.I am not able to open them.Please tell me how to do that as soon as possible,because I have rented the magazine and shall return it by tomorrow morning(IST).




  1. I'm pretty sure you've been answered, but if you seriously wanna find out yourself, then just google them one by one on Google. For example, you can google .exe and it'll tell you what it is.

  2. infact you supposed to open that CD in Linux environment. The title itself suggests you "Linux for you"

  3. Well, are you running a linux system?  Because other then iso, all the formats are a linux format.  And thus unusable on windows/mac.  ISO files are image files of a cd/dvd.  You can burn them to a cd/dvd by using a burning program, and selecing burn image.  You can also open them using a program like isobuster.

  4. ultraiso.

  5. Winzip can open tar and gz files, but they're not likely to be useful on a Windows system.  iso files are meant to be burned onto a CD as disk images. After you burn the CD you can boot from it.  

  6. 1. rpm is redhat installation package install this in redhat or fedora using rpm -ivh filename.rpm

    2. deb is for debian dpkg -i filename.deb

    3. ISO you can open using daemon tools just download na sintall daemon and mount this on windows

    4. bz2 is gunzip file you can open this in linux using tar -xjvf filename.bz2 in windows you can use winrar to open this but the content is useless its probably something tah runs in linux

    5. gz you can open disk in linux using tar -xzvf filename.gz you can open this using winrar.

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