
How to order on demand movies from time warren cable?

by  |  earlier

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on my remote control, how do I use it to order movies




  1. make sure you are connected to a phone line! there should be a on demand button on your remote.

  2. you dont need a phone line to order on demand channels lol this isnt dish.. when you go to movies on demand or any on demand channel for that matter (the on demand channels vary depending on your area) you use the surrounding arrow keys on your remote to scroll up or down or from left to right from there you will choose the program you want to see when you do on the screen you will see the button to press to "buy" the program... usually the B button on the remote. It might ask you for a pin number... if you dont know what that is it might be the default 4 zeros. once the pin number is entered (or not) your program will start.. good luck!

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