
How to organize a protest?

by  |  earlier

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Well I am new to this...but I am so tired of no one doing anything about the war...I went by myself and with a few friends before, but I want to have a bigger protest...

We were thinking a march on a busy city street. I want to make fliers and hand them out...and get as many people as possible to show up and be heard.

How do I get people to show up? How do I get a permit? How do I deal with the cops?

Please give me tips for a succesful protest.




  1. Young lady, I don't know how old you are but if you want to protest the war and really make a difference drive the speed limit and encourage all your friends to do the same. By going the limit, you save gas, money and lives both here and over there. Don't feed the bears! You might get yourself a 'No blood for oil!' bumper sticker. Anything else you might do is wasted effort right now.

    EDIT: A thumbs down? Study your history and give me a break! Until the Government does something, anything, really stupid to polarize the electorate, trying to organize a march or protest at this time IS wasted effort!!!

  2. Getting people to show up can be done through a variety of means (email, phone, flyers, places like yahoo, myspace, facebook, etc, as well as the media and others).  This site has info on media involvement:

    Getting a permit will depend on whether or not you need one and the rules in your jurisdiction.  (Likely, the best way to find out is to contact the local authorities.)

    This page has links on how to lobby the public and knowing your rights as well as other info.

    The site has a lot of other info and links for activism.  Depending on the strength of your feelings, you might be interested in this group.

    As far as giving tips for a successful protest, it may not be particularly helpful, but I would suggest incorporating/following the ideas/techniques that have given others success in the past and even though it sounds really corny, a lot of people forget, don't lose sight of the goal.  Losing the battle that wins the war is far preferable to winning the battle that loses the war.

  3. Contact and they will probably show up.

    Maybe Hamas will give you some tips and pointers.

    BTW - instead of protesting, why don't you learn something about what is going on in Iraq?  Or are you afraid that if you learn something your basis for your political opinions may be lost?

  4. 1. Go to your San Francisco City Hall and get a permit.

    2. Plan your march to go up hill all the way as this shows more dedication to your cause.

    3. You don't have to "deal with the cops" as they are there to protect you.

    4. Strap flares to your chest before the march. This will show you support the terrorist blowing up our men and women who are defending your rights to protest.

    5. Be sure to wear your Obama stickers. Anybody that refuses to wear a U.S. Flag lapel pin has to be an OK guy. He might even want to be at your march. Give him a call!

    Seriously, A march would be a waste of your time. Everyone is already on one side or the other. Just go do something constructive, maybe like sending a soldier a care package.

    P.S. I hope this does not make you angry. I'm sure you are a fine young liberal.  Even though I don't agree with you, we are both lucky to live in a country as great as the USA. You do live here don't you?

  5. i would probably be against your protest, but any protest should be done in  the prime model that martin luther king did it, without braking the law and with out violence,

    How can you make your case if you aren't even civilized engough to be reconized as a person who isn't insane?

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