
How to organize as mass grass roots change in both house and senate in at least 40 states simultaneously?

by  |  earlier

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I see that the only way to bring back the corrupt monster which is Washington DC would be to have a mass coordinated change of new blood, How would such a task be organized and be done on a simultaneous ticket?




  1. It was tried in the past. There once was an organization called the Committee To End The Permanent Congress. It was headquartered in a suburb of Kansas City, Kansas and had the same goal as that expressed in your question.  In fact, they had a guest speaker at their annual meeting who so impressed the attendees that he was asked to run for President as an independent candidate. He did so. His name is H. Ross Perot.

    I just did a web search and didn't get any returns that would indicate they still exist.  

  2. Well, first thing you gotta do is write a check for $100million or so....the rest is easy.

  3. If there are any intelligent voters left in the U.S. they will take care of come election time..... oh wait, that was what I thought last prez election.  I think maybe we are toast.........

  4. It seams like a great idea but Americans say they want change but always vote against change!

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