
How to organize school work and other things?

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I'm in my last year at school and everything is really stressful. I think I've taken more work than I can handle but I know I can do it if I just motivate and organize myself. In the next few months I have:

- 6 subjects

FTV - film movies / edit / paper work

Business - 100 page Business Plan

Ancient History - Huge Amounts of Research

Maths - Lot's of study

Drama - Endless lines and rehearsals

English - 3 exams and one oral to study for

- Certificate 3 in Broadcasting

- Work at a supermarket - just got promoted meaning extra work

- Formal

- Moving House

- Learning to Drive

- Directing a media event

- Exam for general knowledge - effects Uni entrance

I know there was something else but I've forgotten =S

I know a lot people probably have more than this to do but I find it difficult to motivate and organize myself. I used to be so good at it and I wizzed through without any trouble, but last year at school totally exhausted me and I don't have the same drive I did before even though I want to do well. Anyone have any suggestions of how to organize myself? Thank you so much.




  1. wow.  100 page business plan?

    Is this college or high school?

    This sounds like more work than most college students have to do in two years!


    I think this is why the USA is falling behind more and more every year.  Because we have to compete with people like you who actually work hard.


    But to answer your question...

    To organize, i think it's helpful to keep a spotless organized desk with files and plenty of shelves so everything is at your fingertips, but also stored away so you can focus on one thing at a time.

    No matter how smart or ideal someone is, they can only study for one subject at a time !  Even einstein could not study math and business simultaneously!  

    Along this same line, keep distractions out.  

    Do what's urgent AND important first.

    But try to always do what's important in an organized calm way, so that nothing becomes urgent.

    If you do a bit of planning ahead, you will pound through tons of accomplishments, and have lots of time for fun and relaxation later.

    If you let your mind be distracted with phone calls, TV, odds and ends that are not important, then suddenly the deadlines are all due at the same time, and you're back to doing things that are URGENT again.

    Stay in the Important but not Urgent zone.  :)

  2. thats too much on ur plate simplify your life a little and you wont be as stressed

  3. Find what stuff you NEED to do and what stuff you don't.

    A simple time table is helpful to organize everything.

    Use folders.

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