
How to overcome fear??

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I have a problem with shyness and fear of being in the spotlight.. even for a second..and im really nervous about school.... anyway I have like a week to face my fears.. how can I do this.. so school will come a little bit easier???




  1. that's social anxiety. get treated for it.

  2. you have to start confronting your fears. seriously, if you let these thing stop you from excelling in school, your going to get a h**l of alot worse. the best way to confront your fears is to put yourself continually in the spotlight. its harsh but this is the typical asian household method of getting kids like me to confront their fears. if you are scared of dogs? fine, we get you a dog! and guess what? its going to be sleeping in your room!

    face your fears, get them out of your way quickly....

  3. Unfortunately, the only way to get over/conquer your fears is to face them head on.  Things in life take getting used to.  So just go and try to be as outgoing as you can.  And also know, you're probably not the only shy person out there.  You need to apply yourself in life in order to get somewhere.  Nothing is just handed to you.

  4. Just do it!

    The only way you can overcome anything is to do the thing that you "fear" so many times that you can't NOT do it.

    In your case (one I can relate to, because I was this way myself - particularly around women), I would suggest that you force yourself to NOT be shy.  Shyness comes from a lack of confidence in your abilities.  FORCE yourself, and you will soon learn what you can do, and that track record of success will give you the confidence you need to overcome your shyness.

    As for school: I was never really all that nervous about going to school, except maybe on the first day, and doubly so if that were also a new school.  Anyway, the same principle applies here, though: Get that track record of success in school, and you will find that your "fears" about it disappear.

    All the best to you!

    P.S. Treatment can help, but the moment you think that you NEED it, I guarantee you that you'll NEVER overcome anything; all you'll become is a source of income for the medical profession.

    Drugs of any kind are dangerous, but even prescription drugs should be a LAST resort - not a first one.
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