
How to overcome mind stress & depression ?

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How to overcome mind stress & depression ?




  1. I just wrote a blog entry about overcoming stress in my Prevention blog (see link below). Depression is something else, though. For that, you need to make sure you get enough sleep and exercise, eat right, and try the de-stressing tricks. If none of that helps after a while, and you don't have a specific reason to be depressed (i.e., death of a loved one), see your doctor.

  2. Apply the suggestions in the following articles.

    You Can Manage Stress!

    You Can Fight Pessimism

    - Battling Pessimism

    -  Positive, Goal-Oriented Thinking

    How to Maintain a Healthy Mental Outlook...

    Depression & Mental Fatigue - Alternative remedies  


    Natural Remedies for Depression

    - February 1999 Issue of Nutrition Science News

    - Altering the brain's chemistry to elevate mood

    - By Donald Brown, Alan R. Gaby,., & Ronald Reichert, all, N.D.s.

    Depression - Foods that treat depression  

    http://www.doctoryourself com/depression.html

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  3. How to Reduce Stress

    ▪ Give your body sufficient rest each day

    ▪ Maintain a reasonable diet. Avoid overeating

    ▪ Engage in proper and regular exercise, such as brisk walking

    ▪ If something worries you, talk to a friend about it

    ▪ Spend more time enjoying your family

    ▪ Delegate or share household chores

    ▪ Know your own physical and emotional limitations

    ▪ Set realistic goals; do not be a perfectionist

    ▪ Be organized; have a balanced, reasonable schedule

    ▪ Cultivate Christian qualities such as mildness and patience

    ▪ Set aside some time for yourself

    [Consider what Jesus said to the crowds in his day who were likewise beaten down by the pressures of life: “Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you.” Did Jesus suggest that refreshment would come by curtailing one’s service to God? On the contrary, Jesus said: “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls.”

    A yoke is a wooden or metal frame that allows a human or an animal to carry a heavy burden. Why, then, would anyone want to take on such a yoke?

    Are we not already “loaded down”? Yes, but the Greek text could also read: “Get under my yoke with me.” Just think: Jesus offers to help us pull our load! We do not have to do it in our own strength.—Matthew 9:36; 11:28, 29, footnote; 2 Corinthians 4:7.

    I hope this helps

  4. I encourage you to try this

  5. learn a bit of slef hypnosis. it may sound a bit out there but its just about using your mind in a more positive and productive way. its also very easy and i used it to help with stress.  

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