
How to overcome suicide

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I tried to commit suicide 10 years back. Next week is the 10th anniversary.These 10 years I spent the time mostly lying around in my bed.Now again suicide is contineously in my mind. I do not see any point in pulling along. It is almost impossible that I will have a natural end.But I think I am too young. I am now 37. Living for another 10 years more looks acceptable to me. But what is the use. If it is a repetition of the last 10 years I do not think it creates any value to my life.If I pull along another 10 years and commit suicide does it make any difference?




  1. try to get a counselling 4m ur pshychatrist. t s the best way.

    n also try to engage urself instead of bein alone. find out ur friends or relatives with whom u can speak out. be frank to everyone.




  2. You may be suffering from dysthymia, or depression, which I address in section 2 at View page R first. The point is: employ effective treatments for it, and ensure the next 10 years is NOTHING LIKE the last 10, insofar as how you feel in yourself, at least (your occupation, address, or family circumstances may not change much: who knows?).

    When you start feeling better, ask yourself what you would like to accomplish in the coming decade, and formulate a realistic plan, then implement it. Suicidal thoughts are addressed in section 5, at ezy build: contact a hotline, when needed.

  3. well, you said you work at an office, doing what? you don't just sit idle, you are talking to others on here. so you do know how to converse with people. as for your life not going planned, i don't know anyone's who's life goes the way they plan it. i'm 40 and i still don't know what i want to do. i've tried different things , but so far it's not going to well for me. i know that eventually i will get on the right track..and find something i really enjoy . i hope you can get out of the state of mind your in, and see things from a different perspective. ask your self what is you want. and then, find out a way to get it.. what makes you happy? anything?

  4. Hi Friend,

    I am also trying to suicide. It seems same story with me.

    Can it be possible that we make one club "Life for Life or Life, life can start at any point"

    where all suicide people will suicide any one day in a year. We will make it possible because you and me are on same boat. We both could not make our life better. But I think we will bring suicide people in our club we will make all the people in one uniform and will fix all the things how they will live till the suicide day. On that day all world markets will be close and every one will close eyes and will shut mouth for us after our members suicide.

    Suicide will be like a festival. You will be the chair person if you have any property, house or building there we will start this club. I can fund this project I will sell all my shares property and other valuable things. Only need one person like you. Dear Friend I think we can start this business. Trust me I will be your partner and you can trust me like friend. Just think about this. Many people want to die but no charm before die or suicide. We will make them happy before leaving this beautiful world.

    This is a beautiful world, Imagine that if one person comes to suicide and you will make that person happy before suicide. Giving them enjoyment of nature proud of having problems with them and discarding them in wind in a very easy way. You will be able to make every suiciding person confident because you have the same suicide intention.

    Imagine that you will be like bill gates who started Microsoft and made the entire world WOW.

    Imagine that when you will start a club "Life for Life or Life" you will be most happy person with your achievements. You will be happy and well settled person in world.

    NOW You will start you life with a target for people like you. You have that ability that you can change the mind to stop suicide.

    I think you and me and some more suicide people should start this kind of club where we all should enjoy before leaving this beautiful world. Then we can die.

  5. Get a counsellor x

  6. You have not mentioned any clear reason why you want to suicide. Then only others can show some solutions to it.

  7. Engage yourself in positive activities- like social works,helping the needy people according to your ability, make friends-gossip with them-try to be a good friend--God has given us this precious and beautiful life to enjoy and direct us in the right direction through all odds of life. Be cheerful always--think of others who are strugling to meet theirwants and trying to servive.

  8. Are you in any therapy?   From the sounds of it, you are not, or if you are, it isn't helping.  

    You are already on your recovery road.  You have been on it for 10 years now.  Good for you!  

    BUT>>> You have to get into a therapy program that works for you.  You said that living another 10 years looks acceptable.  That is already a step in the right direction.  Now, just find a program that works for you.  

    Life is worth the fight when you fight the right way.  

    I wish you all the best in your continuing recovery!

  9. It will make no difference as long as ur death is by commiting suicide..

    i dont kw wots d problem with u bt al i can say is that it is u who can make the cuming years different from the past years..try to b ambitious n find a reason to live atleast for the people who love you..

    Dont be a coward..try to b brave..commiting suicide is not only a shame to you bt also to the people around u..

    take care..

    hope you get out of this trauma soon..

    good luck..n i will b glad if my suggestions helped you..

  10. We are responsible for the decisions we make in our life. Nobody is to blame (or congratulate) us for those decisions other than us.

    With that said I mean you have your life in your hands, you either make something positive and wonderful with it or throw it away in the trash.

    Whatever you promised yourself in the past is just thoughts of a growing adolescent.

    People change and so are you. You are out of adolescence long ago and now you move forward beyond the destructive thoughts and promises.

    Now is the time you come to the point you realize is wrong to stick to old outdated thoughts, you want to do something good with your life but don't know how.The fact that you see some "aliveness lately" is a very positive thing, you are coming out of a bad phase in your life and enter a new one

    That's when a little bit of help (either self help or professional) can come handy to help you come out of your previous thoughts.

    Try going to the library and borrow some self help books.Increase your amount of activity steadily every day,find something you like to do, try new things and meet new people. Take a new hobby, join a support group, help adolescents who have suicidal thoughts, take a trip, go to the beach, go hiking, watch happy movies.....keep busy and think positive.

    The sky is the limit in how much you can do to turn your life around!

    Asking for help is the first step to improving your life

    You are in the right path.

    Best of luck!

  11. counseling is the best

  12. Have you been seeing a counselor for the last 10 years?  If you have, I would suggest finding another one.  Your life is worth living!  I am sure if you have been dealing with this sort of serious depression for 10 years, your friends and family are aware, but you should try talking to someone you trust. Good Luck to you.

  13. Engage  yourself  in some hobby of  your  choice..take help of good counsellor..many people  are  more unhappy than us..visit orphanages ,old  homes  and  realise  yourself.Tc..keep it  up

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