I recently decided to overcome my fear of spiders. I've been watching garden spiders making webs, and i was really intruiged.
I fed them flies (by sticking them in their webs) and i watched them packing in the flies in silky stuff, then sucking out the fly. Spiders have become interesting.
After some days i found a garden spider (small one) in the house, i took it. It had been running all over my hand and making webs (another interesting thing they can do; they shoot silky stuff hoping it'll get stuck somewhere, then they climb it and then they make a whole web in just 20 seconds, amazing beasties they are!) I eventually put it in a tree. (whree the other gspiders live aswell) Later that day i stood eye in eye with a huge spider. I feared it and with alot of effort i finally killed it. But i want to take it up too and give it a home in the garden, but i just can't do it! I'm scared! I think it will bite! I seen wounds created by a brown recluse spider! EEK!How to overcome this fear?