1. A 4th Degree full cut Episiotomy was done like L-shape cutting (Median + Medio Lateral + More). After 6 weeks, still have slight pain inside the affected area, outside is ok now. When the patient has any movement or physical activity, then pain increased.
2. When the head of fetus was trapped, a pipe was used for urinating. Still sometimes feel burning in the urine for the wound happened by the pipe.
3. Heavy pressure was put to push the baby during the delivery. As a result, the chest, backbone, waist bone and the bone joint where the baby's head was trapped still have pain. This pain also increases due to movement or physical activity.
How to cure the above mentioned problems and patient can get back normal life like before? Should we depends only on conventional treatment, or have to take Homeopathy or Ayurvedic treatment? If I think any alternative treatment, should I apply it at this moment, or carefully wait for future? If I take Homeopathy after 1 year, will it effective?