
How to override and administrator's account (I REALLY NEED HELP!)

by  |  earlier

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My brother and I share a computer. At first we were both administrators then he got mad me and decided to make me a standard user. Then we moved and my pc was at my uncles house for like 2 months and my brother says he forgot his password so now i cant delete a bunch of old programs and update my virus protection.




  1. Press F8 and go into safe mode.  Log in as Admin, but don't enter a password.  If he didn't set it, it will be blank.  You can then change passwords and user accounts.

  2. This works for vista but im not sure about other os's. Type this into command prompt (start, run cmd.) :  Net user administrator /active:yes  

  3. If your computer savvy you can follow these instructions;

    There might be an easier way but this is what i use.

    found another way you need a windows xp cd for it.

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