
How to pass on this ???

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Hi friends, Tommrrow i am having interview with the Dell Internationals, i am quite nervous about my communication skills as well Grammer, my friend told that there will be 5 to 6 rounds of interview and it all depends on your english, i am totally tensed, i dont think i am good or either average at english.... some please help me and tell me how to get rid of this problem... now i am confused weather i should attend interview or not.??




  1. Definitely go on the interview. I've interviewed people for many years and depending upon the job, your communication skills are not as critical as what other skill sets you bring to the company. explain to your interviewer of your communication concerns, then move on to explaining how you can make them money and stress your dependablity, which are the top things that all employers look for. if you aren't nervous about an interview, then you should look for another job, because deep down you really don't care if you get the job or not. let the company know that you are a bit nervous, because you really wany the job. too much confidence is a turn off to most interviewers. Good luck.

  2. grammar (not "grammer") and whether (not "weather") - according to what you have typed above, it looks as though English is not your first language.  If that's the case, the prospective employer will probably overlook it.

  3. Getting nervous before or during an interview is natural but there are things you can do to combat it.

    First off, practice makes perfect! The more you interview, the more confident you'll be.

    Do company research well in advance so that you can relax before the interview rather than scrambling to get ready at the last minute.

    When it comes to answering interview questions, avoid trying to memorize scripted answers that you might have read somewhere. Instead, focus on answering the questions in a way that makes sense to you that showcases your experience and skills.

    On the day of the interview, wear comfortable clothing that suits the type of interview you're attending and ensure you arrive in advance so that you don't have to rush to get there.

    Remember to bring copies of your resume with you ensuring that you bring one for yourself, too. You might need to refer to your resume during the interview and having a copy for you to look at means you don't have to memorize everything you've written but can still comfortably refer to its contents.

  4. you'll never know if you don't try.  

    When you go in just do your best and breath, relax my friend cause if you are nervous you will do worse.

    If you don't try you will always wonder

    "what if"

  5. The truth is, even if you arent good at something, it is truely worth the try. If you fail then oh well, you are in the same exact position. The good thing about it though is that you had the expierience to try your best at something you truely know deep down you may not be the best at. So next time will seem like a cake walk. And or will make you better, smarter and more aware of what todays demands are.

  6. It seems everyone so far has given you good advice (except Teacherhelper). My advice is to be confident in your abilities. Try your best to answer the questions asked and If you have any problems tell them the truth...English is not your first language (if that is the case, which it sounds like it is) and that you have some difficulty with it. Coming clean about stuff like that looks really good to employers. They want honest employees not ones who try to hide things.

    Tip. If you do talk to your employer about this DO NOT put yourself down while talking to them (example: my English is terrible. I shouldn't have even come to this interview.) This is seen as negative and they do not want to hire someone who could be potentially negative all of the time.

    Hope I helped and GOOD LUCK!

  7. Just be confident.

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