
How to pass the california behind the wheel driving test? i failed twice...?

by  |  earlier

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i took it twice... and failed first i stopped on pedestrian cause i thought some guy was crossing the street then the second time i didnt turn my windshield wipers on... eventhough it wasnt raining or sprinkling anymore... they're so strict,,, other than that my score was perfect.... and the examiner said since she intervened its a critical driver's error....




  1. Practice these tips:

    Steer smoothly at all times.

    Accelerate smoothly. Don't race the engine or make it stall.

    Stop the vehicle gently. Start braking well ahead of where you must stop to avoid sudden “jerks.” Know where to stop.

    Be aware of crosswalks. If your view is blocked at a crosswalk, move forward carefully and look both ways at the intersection..

    Be sure your vehicle is in the correct gear. Don't grind the gears. Don't coast to a stop.

    Always obey the posted speed limits. If needed, reduce your speed to adjust for existing weather, road, and other traffic conditions.

    Remember to turn on your lights if you need to use your windshield wipers in poor weather conditions.

    Follow at a safe distance. Use the three-second rule. Increase your following distance in bad weather or poor visibility.

    Know what the traffic signals mean and obey them at all times.

    Always use the proper lane. Turn from the correct lane into the correct lane.

    Signal for all lane changes and turns.

    Always look for potential hazards (scan). Check your mirrors frequently. Always look over the proper shoulder before making lane changes or pulling away from the curb.

    Drive defensively. Anticipate another driver’s errors.

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