
How to pay an american flight site if i live in the UK?

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I've found a cheap flight on which is an american site. But i dont know how to book it because I live in the UK. It says above the booking form 'We accept Credit Cards issued in USA and Canada only' but is there anyway I could pay them from England?

I really need this flight.





  1. doubt it if you only have british cards

  2. on the site there is a need help link (on to left of page) click it

    then scroll down to

    Customer Service Query

    then left click in callcack and select trouble booking online

    then fill in the *feilds

    and in the message box ask about a uk site and also if there isnt can you book on the us site

    or phone them on 212-478-0335 dont know how much it would cost

    thats just a thought i have never heard of the site untill now

  3. Contact the site and ask.

  4. it looks like you cannot, book elsewhere, I am afraid

  5. CheapO is an airfare consolidator that, like most, aren't original-source for most routes--they're most likely re-selling.  Shop around, and you might find a similar, or better, price in the UK.  Try and and

  6. find out if they accept paypal.

  7. there should be a number you can call to pay.

  8. go 2

  9. No, sadly not. A lot of sites are country-specific like this. I suppose that if you have a friend (someone you trust!) in America you could send them the money and get them to book it for you with their credit card, but then again you might need to present their credit card at the airport so ... looks like you're stuck paying UK rip-off prices as usual. Sorry about that.

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