
How to pay for college??

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Well...I feel..left out quite a bit. My friends have savings for college. Their parents saved money for them since they were little. Well..mine? Never even thought about it...

Im afraid I can't pay for college. Especially when I want to go to a private university like USC. I'm a sophomore in HS right now, but I'm very very concerned. Yeah, there's financial aid, but my parents make enough money so money coming from FA wont do any good. Scholarships? Well...I'd have to get lucky...which I probably won't...

So how did you guys do it? Did you have a savings as well? My parents wont let me work and working doesnt do much...minimum wage wont pay for tutition. And i REALLY REALLY don't want loans...hard to avoid though. So any ways? I'm really afraid...




  1. Your parents won't help you pay for college? If they can afford it they should be trying to the best of their abilities to finance your education.

    If their leaving you with fiscal responsibility, then you are in a dillemma indeed. With responsibility comes freedom, so you should tell them that since you are solely funding your education, you are willing to work for it. Try to settle for an internship, or if your credible, even shoot for a decent corporate job. Some way to make above minimum wage margin cash.

    If not then you can probably just chill for a year and work and save up. That is particularly difficult as well though...

    Hm.. decisions, decisions..

    I hope my suggestions have helped somewhat, and shoot for that scholarship! Best of luck to ya

  2. I completely agree with "Emm"..

    here's anther idea. when you turn 18, you should apply for a job at navy federal if there is one near you. They will pay for your basic courses completely. well, actually they reimburse you. You might have to take out a loan to start, but as soon as you finish they reimburse you. Also, they have great benefits and insurance policies. Hope that helps. Btw, I'm a senior in a similar situation. Good luck!

    `09!!!!  lol

  3. My folks weren't wealthy and there was no savings for college.  I applied for every scholarship--the worst that would happen is that I wasn't picked.  I got a lot of them and some grants, too.  My parents remortgaged the house, took out Parent Loans, I took out Student Loans, worked on campus.  It was tough, and I had to go to a state school instead of the fancy colleges that accepted me.  Yet I got a job one month out of college and I make a decent living.  I even got a Masters degree years later when I had a little money.  Do your very best in school.  There are many ways for you to go to college.  You are smart to consider your options already.  Good for you!

  4. For a student to finance his educational costs had never been as easier as it is now. Earlier on if you or your family could not support the educational costs then there was no hope of continuing studies. But now the student loans have changed the entire scenario. You will now do not have to worry but to make your mind to reach your goal. These loans will help you to get what you want in each and every step.If you want to adopt these loans for your higher studies than the amount required will be bigger. However, based on the type of the course the expenses vary and on this basis you can choose to pick either the secured or the unsecured loans. Keep your valuable asset as security and get the secured loans. Amount offered is higher in it.

    For the unsecured no collateral is required and the amount offered is small. So, it is essential to calculate the total requirement of finance for picking the right loan.Such loans will not let you spend extra money while you pursue the course. Right from the admission in college to habitation, buying study materials, foods, travel expenses, medical expenses and classroom projects are being financed by it. So, there is no scope for the student to think or to take tension about all those things.For repaying it too you will not have to bother much. As soon as the course gets completed you can start repaying the loan. If not that you can repay the loan after getting a job too. The rate of interest too is kept very small in it.

  5. you can try to get a scholar ship or student loans or a loan from the bank if they give loans for that but i recommend astrive cause i like their commercial (student loans)

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