
How to pay my Macy's bill?

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hi everyone, I open a macy's star rewards card two weeks ago, and I bought some itam in the same day. Do anyone know how to pay the bill?

Will they send a letter to me in the end of the month, and tell me how much I need to pay?????????

PS: Can I pay the bill in credit card?




  1. You can pay in store at any cashier and you should get a statement in mail unless you signed up for paperless billing (you would receive emails). Department stores usually charge a high APR, I would advise trying to pay the balance off each month (or the minimum plus $30).

    Why would you pay with another credit card? It would be pointless!

  2. They will be sending you a bill shortly.

    They will also send your card and a separate letter with your online access code.

    You can pay online, in person or via snail mail.

  3. They will send a bill to you every month at about the same time each month.  That bill will come with information about ways you can pay.

    Typically, send a check or money order, and sometimes you can pay by credit card, but generally not.

    The bill will show the full amount you owe, and a minimum payment to stay out of trouble.  Watch out for interest and finance charges, that can mount up in time.

    They will also mail you an explanation of the finance charges which they will assert a right to change at any time.

    For example, my bank told me I could have this credit card with no interest charges for 2 years.

    2 weeks after I got it, they changed the rules on me.

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