
How to permanently get rid of the cement residue on new cement garage floor?

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I've tried hosing it down, sweeping etc. Nothing seems to work. Can anyone recommend a solution for my problem?




  1. Cement residue i presume what you really mean is the dusty stuff that keeps coming off of cement as it wears away for ever and ever.

    First if it's uneven lumps or spills and spots you have to pomice ( wear down the rough spot with pomice the cement with pomicingstone which usually has a wood handle and it is harder than cement especially poorly cheaply made cement used by builders andcontractors for extra profit.

    after dong that you go buy linceed oil and seal the floor with several coats lasts almost forever indoor.

    Second alternative is buy (very costly) slate and cement sealer.

    in 1974 it cost me $20. a gallon it took about 3 gallons to do 1100 sq. foot. basement.

    many builders mix too much sand and not enbough cement to make "Concrete"  

  2. Muriatic acid is commonly used to clean concrete. Read and heed ALL of the safety warnings on the bottle. Full face shield, long heavy duty rubber gloves, don't skip anything. The acid is nasty stuff. But it will do the job. Just follow the directions on the bottle for mixing and use. You can get it at any hardware or big box store.


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