
How to persuade my mom for a sleepover

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i really want a sleepover for just two mates and its been ages since i last had one. my mom is always funny about them and i want to persuade her, she should let me. im always sleeping at other peoples houses! please help or give me tips to persuade her! x




  1. With out knowing why your mom  is "funny" about the sleepovers, I'm not sure there is much that can be done.

  2. Does she let you sleep at their houses?

    If not then you won't convince her.

  3. try doing extra chores aroung the house

    2.compliment her

    3.if all else fails keep begging until she cracks

  4. Tell her what you've just written on here.

    also say to her how you feel about all of your friends being alloud sleepovers and you not.

    Also if you plan lots of things for it, such as food, activities and movies then that will show her that you are mature and responsible enough for one :D

    Hope this helps :D


  5. tell her you sleep at other people's houses and whine.  

  6. Your mum's probably juust worried that you might make a mess of the house and things like that. A sleepover sounds like fun, but the only problem is your mum probably thinks she will have to clean up after all of you and everything, it's alright when your at someone elses house, as your mum wont be expected to tidy up after you.

    The best thing you can do is show her that you are responsable, maybe do some chores around the house, to show her that you are capable of tidying up and that. Reasuure her that you will not make any mess, and if you do you promise to tidy up, (and if it's your friend's that make the mess get them to chip in to and help), this way she will learn to trst that you can be responsable, and by doing chores it shows how much it means to you.

    Yo should also compromise and talk with her about arranging a suitable time to go to bed, of course sleepovers are ment to be fun, but if you realy want one you will have to give and take.

    Just talk with her and find out the reasons why she doesn't waant you to have a sleepover (maybe she thinks two people is too many, and to be honest I would have to say that she could be correct there, I'm 15 and i've had some sleepovers, and from experience 3 caan be a crowd, as one usualy always gets left out, beleive me!, and that wouldn't be fun).

    The best thing you can do is just talk with her, show her you can be responsable and you respect her reasons, show her how mcuh this means to you, but don't complain to her or it could backfire, just gain her trust. And if she only lets you have one friend over this time, that's fine,you might be able to have more in the future, if you make sure your responsable and do the things you said you would like tidy up and that.

    Why not even get your mum envolved or something you could make some pre-cooking snacks beforehand. She might like that.

    Just keep showing her your mature enough and responsable enough.

    I realy hope this helps, and your mum lets you have a sleepover.

    Good luck!!


    Just don't forget to thanx her!! And seriously if you realy want to gain her respect seriously Don't whine and say "but so and so's mum lets her have sleepovers at her house" That's a deffinate no no chances are it won't get you any where!! You need to show her thaat she can trust you, and you re matuure and responsable enough! =)

    If you do have a sleepover dont forget to keep up what you said she would do, like tidy up.

    Hope everything goes ok, and have fun!! =)

  7. i cant sorry im on your mothers side she simple cant be ar$ed with all hassle just keep having them at other peoples houses!

  8. Just tell her that you will sleep and you wont wreck the house.

  9. Just say to your mum that you want a sleepover and that only two people are coming. Make it clear to her that if you have something to do all together then you will not be loud and noisy (if thats what your mums worried about) just say that you will be watching movies etc and not being to loud.

    Also just say that its nice to return the favour becasue your always sleeping at their house.

    Good Luck!!  

  10. Listen to your mom, you will be the same way when you have children.

  11. Tell her that you will totally clean up everything and maybe even do something extra for her like I dont know take the garbage out for the next 2 weeks!  

  12. Your mom said NO, that doesn't mean maybe, it doesn't mean perhaps, it doesn't mean she will change her mind if you nag, it means NO.

    Live with it.

  13. Say that you feel bad always sleeping round other people's houses when you don't feel you can invite them to yours. Promise to be quiet and go to sleep by midnight.

  14. Offer to help her clean before & after the sleepover.  Also let her know that it's only fair to invite your friends over since they allow you to stay at their houses, she should offer to let the other parents take a little break also.  Make sure she knows you will behave & not be to rowdy also, this always helped with my mom & once my friends got there she pretty much let us do what we wanted but we also included her in some of our talks!  

  15. ok you need to promise her stuff and give her positives. promise her you wont mess up the house and you guys will follow the rules. things like that. and on the posititves note give her some things that are a good thing about having a sleepover at your house. hope i helped alittle. and also where do you live? cause i was wondering why you call your friends mates.

  16. Do something to show you are responsible clean the house, then ask her nicely when you can have a sleepover. dont push it, ask her to think about. be respectful. dont say can i have a sleepover on FRIDAY just say when. and that might get you the answer you want.

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