
How to persuade parents to...?

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I want to get my hair died darker tomorrow because it got lighter over the summer so what should i say to persuade my parents?




  1. Why do you need advice? If your parents will let you and you want to, then why bother asking the question?

  2. Since they already know that you want to get it done, then just sit down and ask them.  There shouldn't be much persuasion.  Just tell them exactly what you stated here.  Your hair got lighter over the summer and you'd like to make it darker again.

  3. My hair gets like bleach blond during the summer, but during winter it will tone back down to my natural blond. It's really not needed to dye it. It'll go back.

  4. Gosh mom, you know school is comming up here real soon and I was thinking I would like a change.  Would it be alright if I tried to die my hair?  I am not thinking anything drastic or real different, just...a suttle and perhaps alittle darker then the color I have now.  Pretty please?

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