
How to pierce lip with sowing needle.?

by  |  earlier

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1. Do NOT tell me not to do it. (:

okay, i'm gunna do it, i have a sowing needle of my mom's.

tell me how to sterilze, pierce and clean my piercing please.

OH! and umm do i use ice to numb my lip?

if so, how long do i put it on for?

what kind of earing do i use?

i have studs, umm , hoops., hoops with backs(with little posts)

Thanks so Much!





  1. even though you said don't say not to do it..

    don't do it.

    i did it, and it got infected, and i had to go to hospital cos i didn't sterelise it properly and got blood poisoning.

  2. let it soak in rubbing alchol.

    and put whiskey or orajel on the inside of yer lip,

    and hold an ice cube on the outside til its all the wya melted.

    wear a rubber glove so yer hand doesnt go numb.

    that wouldnt be good(:

  3. i would just poke it through and hope for the best i guess? have a phone nearby to call ambulance if you f*ck up.

  4. ok, first, try washing the needle w/ a soapy towel, then after that, hold it over a flame for about 20 seconds to kill all bacteria. let it cool. *obviously wash ur hands before u touch it again. * then use ice to REALLLY numb ur lip. so numb that u feel like it might fall off. lol.

    then i'd say take a marker and dot where u want the piercing to be.

    after that, pierce it.

    it say dont do it too fast or too slow. if it feels like ur gonna pass out, stop.

    good luck! tell us how it went!!!!!!!!!

  5. Unless you have an autoclave, there is no way to sterilize a sewing needle. You can clean it with all the soap you want, but it won't kill all of the bacteria that may cause infection.

    Don't use earrings.

    Here's my advice: If you're going to pierce yourself, do it the smart way. Order a hypodermic needle off line or from the drug store. Order sterile jewelry from a body jewelry shop online. You can buy either a labret stud or cbr at 14g. 14g is the safest size for most piercings, especially lip piercings. When you get these two things, clean the room you plan to pierce in. Clean it with bleach. When you've cleaned it once, clean it again. I mean the floors, the counters, the light switches, everything. When you open your sterile packages, don't let the jewelry/needle touch anything. Wear gloves when you pierce. And I would not use the ice. Ice tends to make the skin tense and tight, thus making it more difficult for the needle to pass through. Pierce from the outside in or inside out. Whichever you feel more comfortable. If you pierce from outside in, make sure you don't hit your gums or teeth with the needle. If you follow my advice, you will reduce the risk of infection. There is still a risk, just as with any piercing especially the ones done at home, but it will be cut down.

    As for aftercare, do two sea salt/saline soaks a day. You can make the saline solution at home for less than $4. Just mix 1/8-1/4 of a teaspoon of sea salt to 8oz of warm water. Soak/swish for 5-10 minutes. Rinse your mouth with bottled water after you eat, smoke, or drink liquids other than water.

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