
How to pitch a commercial idea to a company?

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Okay so, a few weeks ago my friend and I came up with an uber-awesome idea for a Stride Gum commercial. So I researched how to write a script, wrote one (using notepad), but now I don't know what else to do. I mean, how do I offer selling the script to the company? Who do I get in contact with? Thanks! Cheers.




  1. get in contact with the company directly and ask to speak to the manager in the marketing department. Just explain that you have an idea and have spent much valued time in this and ask to arrange an appointment to discuss one on one your idea ..then if it's something that could work then the marketing director would probably help you pitch the idea to the team!

    As for the charge ..I would contact a marketing agency that does commericals for companies and just tell them you are doing a school or product or you are looking into taking marketing in school ;)

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