
How to place a bet on multiple baseball games?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I am an avid online sports bettor, and wish to bet on multiple baseball games. Can you help me know, which is the best bet for multiple baseball games.




  1. Dime lines are the smart way to go if you plan on betting a lot of games. Dime lines are bets where the house take (also called juice, vigorish or vig) is 10 cents on the dollar.For example, if the Braves are -125 and the Dodgers are +115, there is a $10 difference (called a dime line) on payout based on a $100 bet. If the Braves were -125 and the Dodgers were +105, that would be a $20 difference (referred to as a 20 cent line), meaning that the house is taking a $20 vig (more money for the house, less for the bettors).

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