
How to place a fraud alert on my credit report?

by Guest44939  |  earlier

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i have gone through all three credit sights in order to place a fraud alert on them. yet i am not able to find it anywhere. is there anyone out there that can give me the links to place a fraud alert on my credit with all three bureau's. and if there isnt a way to do this online can someone explain to me in detail on how i can do this in writing?




  1. I contacted each of the bureaus by telephone and asked the automated voice prompt to place a flag for fraud alert on my file (they had that automated option on each of numbers I called). I got a notice in the mail a few weeks later. Good luck with that.


    Fraud Victim Assistance Department

    Phone: 800-680-7289

    Fax: 714-447-6034

    P.O. Box 6790

    Fullerton, CA 92634-6790


    Consumer Fraud Division

    Phone: 800-525-6285 or: 404-885-8000

    Fax: 770-375-2821

    P.O. Box 740241

    Atlanta, GA 30374-0241


    Experian's National Consumer Assistance

    Phone: 888-397-3742

    P.O. Box 2104

    Allen, TX 75013

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