
How to play Dungeons and Dragons

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Are there any good sites on how to play the original dungeons and dragons game? I'd love to learn but can't find anywhere to do it!




  1. For 3.5 rules, look at For 4th edition, not much as yet (since it's only been on the market a few months.) You might try the forums at enworld, since they've been discussing the new rules at length.

  2. A lot depends on what you mean by original.

    If you mean the true original game from the 70's, later referred to as Basic D&D, I'm not aware of any, though I'd bet somewhere amidst the mass of play by post and play by chat games on the internet, someone is playing it.

    Much the same goes for AD&D, in either 1st or 2nd edition form.

    If all you mean by original is just the pen and paper or tabletop version as opposed to various D&D or D&D like computer games, you're probably more interested in 3rd or 4th edition.

    To perhaps no one's surprise, there are D&D for Dummies books.  Can't vouch for the new 4th Edition D&D for Dummies book, but the old one (for 3rd edition) was pretty decent and explained a lot of basic things that a simple reading of the rules might not make clear to you.

    Speaking of the rules, the only way to get the new edition (4th) is to buy the somewhat pricey books.  Worth it if you know people you're going to be playing with, but it doesn't really sound like that's your situation.  For 3rd edition, the core of the rules is available online at

    If what you really lack  is places to play, that's a whole other question, but I'd suggest trying out play by post gaming at

  3. go play WoW

  4. i'm sorry, i can't find the original 1st ed rules, however, i know that you can find free electronic copies of at least 3.5 edition, and 4th edition online.

    I tried a brief google for them, but couldn't find them. sorry.

    you're after the player's handbook, just so you know. it tells you how to play, how to make a character, all that jazz.

    WoW ftw!

  5. thats not what he asked *** hole thumbs down stop trying to get free points

  6. why not play oblivion it is an rpg but not as nerdy as Dungeons and Dragons or the pathetic WOW

  7. there is 4th editon but itsdanm expencive so get 3 or 3.5 they are slightly cheeper. you should get: dungeons and dragon for dummies (i got it and its good) (get it on amozan its cheeper.

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