
How to play a voilin?

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I have a violin but don't know how to play it. Does anyone know any online videos that can help you start learning? And teaches you how to read music, and play it on the violin itself?




  1. Yeah.  you really need a teacher.  you will never be able to teach yourself everything you need to know.  My teacher has a teacher because sometimes others can see your mistakes better than you can.


    But really, you can't learn to play the violin by watching videos.  The video can't correct your fingering or your bow hold or your intonation.  It won't notice you picking up bad habits or making obvious mistakes, and it can't answer your questions.  I highly recommend that you get a teacher, at least for a few lessons.  If you've never played and you can't read music, you're just going to get frustrated and give it up on your own.  Get a teacher.

  3. HIRE A TEACHER... you can't learn how to play ANY instrument ON YOUR OWN if you ever hope to learn how to play it CORRECTLY... Playing any instrument is a mechanical process and you need someone to help you learn the proper technique and you DON'T GET THAT OFF THE INTERNET
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