
How to play golf course games?

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Golf course games are pretty famous among the golf sports fan. I want to know, how one can play these golf course games.




  1. Golf course gambling: "friendly wagers" are often part of the game of golf. It is suggest that any of the games listed below, be played in accordance with the laws of the state, country, etc. in which you are playing in. While we neither condone nor condemn this activity, the fact remains that it is illegal in most places.

    Golf course betting should always be kept simple and friendly.

    Common simple wagers include
    Dollar a hole for total score, automatic double if you're down two; 50 cents for longest drive, closest to the pin, and first in; 25 cents for each bunker you hit. A tie on 18 carries over to the putting green.

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Latest activity: 10 years, 11 month(s) ago.
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