
How to play long distance Scrabble?

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I play Scrabble a lot with my mother. Does anyone have any clever ideas of how to continue to play when I go away to college? Use of telephone, e-mail??? She will have the board...




  1. Download the Scrabulous application on facebook.  Allows for long distance, long term games

  2. My daughter and I have played Scrabble together for years.  My best suggestion is for both of you to have a Scrabble game and play as if you are together.  For example your mother plays first on her board and tells you her word and where she puts it and you record the score.  You put her word on your board, and then you play, tell her your word and score, and she puts your word on her board, and so on.  If you have a cell phone that does video or takes pictures you could use that, or you could just use and ordinary telephone.  However, you would each need to know what letters the other had, as you would both need to remove those from your letters.  Of course, the honor system would be in force, but you could do a turn a day, and have lots of time to think of your next word!!  It sounds a little complicated, but it isn't really.  My daughter and I have played this way, but not recently.  We use the techie versions now.  Have fun!

  3. You can play scrabble on yahoo games, but I think its under a different name of literai. Me and my mates used to play it every now and then, it was a good laugh until we found out there were websites that can tell you what words you can make from the letters available, we were all coming up with 8 letters each go, was funny.

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