
How to play the role of a Mentally Reatarded child?

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Hello. I was just offered a role for a mentally retarded child in a play. I was wondering since I personally haven't been around them enough if there are any common or typical ticks that some mentally retarded children may have?

If so I would greatly appreciate it if you shared it with me. I really want to nail this role and make it seem as accurate as possible.




  1. Are you aware that retarded is now normally used in society as a term of abusive. Do not use that word.

  2. Try watching some movies which have intellectually disabled (mentally retarded) people in them.

    You could also visit a local special ed class or school and talk to some of the students about how their disability affects them. These people would be the ones who are only mildly - moderatley affected.

    If you need to know about people who are severely affected try talking to teachers and parents about what their child seems to be like.

    Don't overact - also go for something from an individual perspective. You should also do a bit of research on the medical side as it will help you to understand the particular syndrome you are acting - different syndromes which cause intellectual disabilities have different aspects to them. This will help you to keep your act in perspective and not overact.

  3. I am a special ed teacher and the mother of a disabled child. Watch "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" This movie was the first film in which I saw leonardo do Capria - I was CONVINCED he must really be handicapped, he was SO precise. Then go to the internet sites for the movie - there are several sites in which he talks about how he prepared for the role. Good Luck!

  4. Mental retardation is not the same as tic disorder, nor is it the same as speech disorder, nor is it the same as dispraxia.  Not everyone with MR has these traits, although some do and it's a widespread and exaggerated stereotype.  Generally, someone with mental retardation does not do well on IQ tests.  There are some people whose IQ is unknown, but are diagnosed MR because their motor skills never developed to where they could communicate, or even walk.  But this does not sound like your character.  There are many forms of intellectual disability that are not obvious to a casual observer.  Unless your character specifically has some sort of tic disorder as well, then unusual tics would be out of character.

    Edit: Please please PLEASE skip the movies!  You won't learn anything you won't get from talking to an actual person with MR, and movies aren't always accurate, however good a particular performance happened to be.

  5. watch the movie 'Radio'  starring cuba gooding jr.

    my advice would be, not to over do it. there are different levels of 'mental disability'. cuba's performance was great. try and mirror his.

  6. Mental retardation is based on IQ - some mentally handicapped children are more advanced than others - what age and IQ is the role?

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