
How to play the trombone louder?

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im bout 2 go to marching band and since were sorta a small section each player needs to have not only good tone quality but volume. what are some good ways of getting louder but not losing the sound quality? maybe some excercises would be helpful




  1. Well, that is the same problem for me, marching in field shows with only 6-9 trombones. A common solution for trombones to play louder as a group is to properly tune each trombone on the B flat pitch. Being in tune as a group will make the sound project louder than out of tune trombones.( I suggest buying a tuner for this method)

    Another way except playing exercises to develop tone. Exercises that help develop tone are exercises that are meant to be player with a deep, beautiful tone. Try playing a B flat scale with a mF dynamic and try to make a tone that sounds full and deep. Without any airy sounds or anything else. Getting use to playing scales with a full sound will help you get used to playing every note with a good tone. After you think you have a good enough tone then try pushing more air. If adding more volume takes away your tone value, try repeating the tone exercise ( play scales at that volume and try to play with a full sound) Make sure the sound does not get to the point where it sounds like a chainsaw (even though it sounds awsome XD im a trombone player i know how awsome it sounds >.<)

    If none of these methods work, then just try asking your band director, your band director is the ultimate source of knowledge (for band junk).

    Hopefully What I've told you works.


  2. several key criteria come to mind;

    -air support! how you breathe and how deep you take the air in are the most important issues. breath big to play big, but use warm air!

    -jaw set; if your teeth are too close together they impede air flow and give you a poor tone!!

    -mouthpiece; believe it or not, your mouthpiece is more important than your horn. you need a mouthpiece with an open backbore & throat, a good shape cup that is not too shallow. i have my students on Bach 6&1/2AL because it is the most ideal design.


    try practicing out side alot! in sectional and alone,..being in a room makes you think you are louder than you are.

    -long tones loud,...

    -long tones loud on just your mouthpiece

    -long tones just buzzing your lips (no mouthpiece)

    -lip slurs; on horn, mouthpiece only, lips only

    believe me, you use more air getting a good tone out of just buzzing your lips than with the mouthpiece or instrument.

    these suggestions are used by virtually every DCI corps hornline,....and you know how loud they get!!!!

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