
How to play wolfman golf betting game?

by  |  11 years ago

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Wolfman is a famous golf betting game. I intend to play wolfman golf betting game. But have no idea, how to play it, can you assist me in playing, wolfman golf betting game?




  1. Wolf: Also called “Wolfman”, Wolf is a three-player game. The golfer with the middle-distance drive, regard­less of where it lands, is the “wolf.” His opponents are the “hunters.” The wolf must match twice his net score on the hole against the combined net scores of the hunters. If the amount wagered on each hole is a dollar, the wolf puts up two dollars against one each for the hunters. If the wolf wins, he collects two dollars, whereas the hunters get only one each.

    On par-three holes, the wolf is the second-closest to the pin after the first shot. If there’s a tie, players decide whether the stakes carry to the next hole. Any amount carried over goes to the next winning “team”, whether it’s the wolf or the hunters. Carryovers make Wolf a more interesting game. Large pots make it advanta­geous to be the wolf, because the wolf doesn’t split the pot. Thus, strategy off the tee becomes impor­tant, and players will jockey to become the wolf. Honor off the tee is established by the net score on the previous hole. Play with full handicaps.

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