
How to please a capricorn?

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Im a Scorpio and my lover is a capricorn.




  1. hey im a scorpio!!!

  2. My husband is a capricorn and I have had many caps in my life.  How do you please them?  Stroke their ego, feed them well and give them lots of s*x!

  3. Intimidating, huh?

    I'm a Scorpio too, and I had few Caps in my life. Come to think of was madly in love with me in high school...but I never gave him the time of day. He wasn't my type, though. Okay, enough bout me.

    Anyway, most Caps I've known have always been distant. Like, their qualities are all "good", but how can I fully get their attention? It's like it's an un-neccessary guard up! I do know that Scopio and Capricorn are great together. I read before that they're a good sextile match.

    You aim to please. You're a Scoripio, and it's likely for you to love strong...and want to be the #1. Caps are the fortunate signs of all, and most of them have high *** standards. This is why I asked you was it intimidating. You must be aware of this...because your question asks, "How to PLEASE a Capricorn"? (Scorpio, observant, and's soooo obvious you want to give them what you know they deserve...or perhaps want. This is why they're fortunate too, becuase Capricorns always seem to get things that pleases them).

    They're attracted to people who understands that life is really rocky. They like ambitious people (not too idealistic, because it can drive them away). Keep understanding them, and be a hard working person. They're also an Earth sign. Those signs lives in the real world. I would like to know who's the man and woman.

    And' if they are materialistic...then of course get them something really expensive!

  4. I want to add to a comment above... be careful the way you stroke a Capricorn's ego. Do not be overly-flattering or gushy. Praise him for what he has done or accomplished, not what he hasn't earned. For example, if he is good looking, that was something he received genetically from his parents. It's nice to be complimented and all, but to really stroke him, compliment how well he handled a situation, or how much his abilities at something have improved. But don't gush. Too much fussing makes a Capricorn uncomfortable. And it must be a sincere compliment, not something over exaggerated or made up to make him feel good. He knows the difference.

    Also, in general, a Capricorn will almost never volunteer what he likes, and will not answer when you ask directly... so be watchful instead. Observe him and try to see what he likes... he will reveal himself in his behavior, even though he thinks he doesn't. Then file away that information and use it when you need to. Do not say "Oh I figured out you like ________" because Capricorns hate being discovered.

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