I recently got an apartment right up the street from a bar that we all go too. Since then my friends are constantly calling me and asking if they can stop by before they go out (and drink all my beer / eat all my food) and if they can crash there after they drink too much.
I try to help out but I work friday nights and they are pressuring me to give them a key so they can crash there fridays and I don't know how to politely tell them I don't want them in my apartment when I'm not there. I trust them but I don't want them drunk bringing who knows who into my place.
As for when I go out with them, I've told them I occasionally don't mind if they crash here, but that it has to be planned ahead of time (since I'd like some alone time with my boyfriend!) but they will drink until they can't drive and then tell me -"well if I can't crash there I'll just drive home" and obviously I'm not going to let them do that.
I'm getting really put off, what is the best way to go about this?