
How to politely turn down a job offer? I went on an interview and they just called back today to give me the ?

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job. I haven't called them back yet it isn't my first choice in a job that I want and I want to wait for another job how to I let them down? Should I say I accepted a job with another company?




  1. You're waiting on another company.  So when is company #2 going to make a decision?

    What happens if you turn down this job today, but don't find out for a week or more than company #2 isn't going to make an offer to you?

    The polite way to decline a job offer is a very simple, "Thank you so much for your confidence and your offer.  However, after thinking over all we discussed, I don't believe that this opportunity is my best fit."  They may ask you what part of their job or their company made you decide that it's a bad fit for you.  You can tell them, or you don't have to.  

    But if you know that company #2 is making their decision today and will offer the position today or tomorrow, you can always ask for a delay in answering this first offer.  "May I give you an answer by the end of the day tomorrow? I'd like to discuss this with my (significant other, financial planner, tax guy, whatever)."  This is a common enough request that most companies don't even blink.

    Just remember that if you turn this job down, they're going to offer it to their 2nd choice candidate, probably within the hour.  If the second company makes no offer to you, this first job isn't going to be waiting for you.  

    Of course, you can always call company #2 and speak to the person you interviewed with.  Let them know that you've just received a job offer that is a great opportunity but that you really would prefer to work for company #2.  Ask them to tell you how soon they will make their decision.  If they're close to making a decision and if you are by far their #1 candidate, they'll usually get things rolling to get an offer to you.  On the other hand, they may tell you that they're going to make a decision in a day or two but not tell you whether or not you're realistically in the running for the position.  So you're still taking a gamble that company #2 wants you.

    Good luck.

  2. Well i am sure you want the other job, but if you burn the bridge between the job that is calling you back and you dont get the other job either, it will blow up in your face, so its always best that you have a fall back plan, so just tell them that your waiting to hear from another job and you will be in touch, and make sure you thank them for their time.  

  3. Tell the truth -- thank them for their time and interest, but tell them that the position isn't quite what you were looking for.  Or if you want to keep them as a back-up, it's perfectly acceptable to let them know that you are waiting to hear back from a couple of additional employers and that you'll get back in touch with them in the next week or so.  It's better to be specific on when you will follow up, and then make sure that you do follow up, even to tell them that you've accepted a position somewhere else.  

  4. Hmmm..If you tell them you accepted another job, it may lead to more questions:

    Do they pay more?

    Can we discuss this so we can be considered?

    Who is the other company?

    I would just say that at this point you are no longer interested and you appreciate their time.  If they ask questions, just repeat that and thank them again.  Polite and professional. :)

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