
How to potty train 2 year old boy?

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My son is 2 1/2 now and I have been trying to get him to go to the potty. I first started seeing signs at 15 months when he went to the big potty all by himself. I have tried everything under the sun to get him to go, I have even taken others advice and it still doesn't work. I have brought books, DVDs, and all the other potty training things that they sell in the stores and online. I have tried to put him on a schedule where he would go at certain times of the day, but nothing seems to work. I am open to all suggestions, thanks.




  1. Well tell him to tell you when he needs the toilet. If he does pee himself, dont shout or go 'd**n it!' or woteva, just say 'Oh no, what did i say? Tell Mummy when you need to go to the toilet' every now and then ask him if he needs to go to the toilet. If your getting suspicous he isn't telling you he needs the toilet, tell him to sit on the potty. This trick should also work for the toilet.

  2. no pants really work

    we r still doing the whole potty thing but at day care they work on it to

  3. I was always told to potty train at 2 so with my 1st (a boy), that's what I did... but it was horrible and a looong battle. lol He would sit on his potty for me just fine and read. I had the stickers all ready as a prize. I did everything everyone suggested. Then when I'd give up and tell him we'd try again later, he'd stand up and right in front of the potty he'd pea on the floor! Sounds funny right? But, at the time it wasn't. After that, I had 3 more babies and I didn't even try to train them until they were at least 3! I let them run around the house in over sized shirts and no pants at all. (If they felt anything... pullups, training pants... anything, they'd forget and go in their pants, so no pants.) It worked so well. It took about a week to 2 weeks to train them completely!!! NO LIE! I could even take them on long car trips and no accidents in their pants. There were still a few over night accidents but not many. I think it's because I waited until they were older and just very ready.

  4. he's probably not ready yet!

  5. Do not try scheduling your son! Do not put emphasis on the whole thing, you will freak him out and make it about control. Most kids are not really potty trained until 3 or more years anyway. He is doing good so far. I say let him wear undies whenever you are home and encourage him when he does go on his own. Do not associate potty with bad or good behavior though. He will get the hang of it soon! My son was potty trained exacty at three. My daughter a few months before her third birthday. Remember every kid is totally unique and this is not a contest. Your friends baby might have been early to potty train but late to recite the alphabet. Have fun parenting, it all goes by so fast!

  6. Wait.  Potty training boys can drive you crazy!  Wait till he wants to do it or spend a solid week working on it.

  7. Put him on the toilet first thing in the morning and start making him wear underwear so if he does pee he'll knows he's wet .Babies hate being wet so that will motivate him to go to the toilet. Because diapers catch urine so think its okay to go it worked with my daughter successfully !

  8. all children are different my daughter was dry at 2 1/2 but my son on the other hand wasnt dry until he was 3 1/2 he was really hard to potty train and even though i kept trying to train him from the age of 2 he simply wouldnt do it until he was ready, you cant force the situation as it put more pressure on the child, just give it time and he when hes ready you will be surprised how much easier it is.

  9. he wiil do it in his own time no 2 kids are the same my frist 1 9 mouth my 2  was 3.5  just make sure you leave it around  .i hate saying thie but u to  use it to show him .it was fun  

  10. Here are the top two ideas that seem to get the best response from a child. I use these all the time and they work really well! If they do not work, he just might not be ready yet.

    1. Try encouraging your child with a reward. Every time they can go to the potty without wetting their pants, they get a treat (candy, toy, etc…). I tried this with my nephew and he definitely loved it. He was so excited to show me he went potty all by himself. It may take a few tries before they get the hang of it but once they do it’s all uphill from there.

    2. Use a prop for your child. One of my favorites that I use with Jacqueline is the potty undies. We picked a pair of undies that has a cartoon character she loves (in this case strawberry shortcake) and I tell her, “Make sure you don’t get Strawberry all wet. She doesn’t like that very much.” So now when she goes potty she finds me afterwards to show me Strawberry is still dry.

    The main idea is to entertain the child and make it seem like going potty is a game. Children hate work and love fun, so why not make potty time fun for them. Trust me your child will absolutely love one of the top two ideas. Good Luck!

  11. you know after meals something must come out so have him sit on the potty chair or toilet for 10-15 minutes after every meal... and reward a successful attempt so he knows pooey in potty=happy mommy/daddy...

  12. If you have tried everything, then he simply isn't ready.  Wait a couple weeks or so, and try again. Do this over and over until it eventually works.   Even though you are ready, he simply is not and you have to wait for him to be ready.  Keep it up beat and positive and don't punish him for not using the potty.  Experiment with potty chairs, a ring on the toilet, or just the toilet seat.  Some kids prefer one over the others.   Good luck!

  13. Reward him for going on the potty and take something away from him for not. Simple as that and stick to it. When you take something away do not return it until he goes on the pot. That is his reward. If you have to take all of his favorite be it. Stick to your guns and it WILL WORK.

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