
How to potty train a 2 and a half year old boy? 10 points for best answer.?

by Guest63403  |  earlier

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i have a 2 and a half year old nephew, and hes still not potty trained!

he still wears those diapers, meanwhile my other nephew and my cousin who r the same age r both potty trained for a while now.

its bugging everyone and i just wanted to know wat r good tips to potty train him since im gonna b spending some more time with him now.

and we cant really ask him cuz he doesnt talk that much..

thanks for ur help.




  1. you have to keep asking him  if he has to go potty..when hes holding himself take him 2 the bathroom right away! also having a man show him will help alot..tell him big boys go on the potty

  2. Try the cheerios in the toilet and he aims at them.  Start a rewards chart for when he does use the potty.  Also, he may just not be ready.  My daughter wasn't potty-trained until she was 3 and boys are said to take longer then girls.

  3. get off diapers... go underwear!! wet underwear will convince him to do #1 in the potty... #2 in pants will make him do that in his underwear and only in potty...

  4. put a few cheerios in the toilet and have him aim for them.

  5. Most kids will want to be like there peers. You say he don't talk much perhaps he just don't understand what your wanting from him.

    Or he could be a child that will do it when HE is ready. Let him decide when he's ready. What's a few more pull ups?

    All children are different, what's wrong in letting him be himself?

  6. He should be going to the bathroom with his daddy and the other male potty trained kids. He will want to imitate them and not be a baby.

  7. I would try "potty training in a day".  It's a great program that makes potty training fun (and one intense day is better than months of reminding).  You can buy the book from Amazon, and it explains exactly what you need to do, what materials you need etc.  But do keep in mind that some kids just aren't ready at 2 1/2, especially boys.

  8. Has he ever been to Chuck E Cheese?  My son went once and LOVED it.  He knew the concept of going to the potty, but just didn't want to take the time to go.  So, when "encouraged" him with Chuck E Cheese!  If he went 1 full week without having any accidents, he got to go to Chuck E Cheese.  It only took missing Chuck E Cheese once for him to be potty trained!

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