
How to potty train a 2 year old?

by  |  earlier

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My son turns 2 next month and im planning on going about pottytraining him. He shows signs, like not wanting to be in his own pee at night when he pees a lot, telling me when he poops. Im just wondering how you go about doing it and how you can stress the fact that they need to help you along as well.




  1. I have a son who will be two in 3 months, and we have started the process already.  I bought him one of those potty chairs with all the bells and wistles, he likes to play with the pretend flusher and dances to the songs right now, but atleast he is getting used to it.  I also will just sit him on the toilet every now and then and we make a really big deal when he sits on it - telling him he is a good boy and clapping and he gets very excited.  Our next step will be to sit him on it as soon as he wakes up and before nap times.  Eventually it will just become routine and when he makes that first tinkle, really celebrate - he will eventually catch on.  Also, just take him with you when you go to the bathroom - sit him on his potty while you go potty.

  2. My son is 2. I have found that giving him an incentive to go potty in the toilet works. I used m&m's the first week then went to stickers. I created a sticker chart and for every 20 stickers he would get a new toy car. He got to pick it out. I went to walmart bought 8 different cars the 97cent hot wheel ones... and he loves it. Every 20 stickers he got a new car. Then when the chart was full he was completely potty trained (except night) that is what i am working on now. Make a BIG deal over it. I also bought the Peter Potty Urinal and my son uses it more than the actual toilet. Boys pee easier standing up. I wish you luck... oh yea you might want to mount the urinal to the wall if you choose to buy it, ($20 walmart) well worth the money, if ur son is a boy he will carry it and put it where ever. Then the pee gets everywhere. It is a great potty and I am very glad I bought it. Remember to dump it every night before bed or 2 times a day or the stink is horrible! Good luck!

  3. I trained my daughter in the car.  I put her plastic potty next to her car seat and every time we made a stop I had her sit on the potty and eat a jelly belly.  The jelly belly made her excited to sit on the potty and relax a little and more times than not she peed.  She was trained 1 week after her 2nd birthday and it took about 2 weeks for her to be 100%.  She has been dry through the night ever since too.  If they're ready it will be pretty easy.  If not give it a rest and try again later.

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