
How to potty train a hardheaded 3 year old?

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Yes, he is quite hardheaded, but we have to potty train our boy or else he won't be able to go to school. He is quite stubborn. So how do I potty train him?




  1. My son didn't potty train until he was 3. What worked is candy. When He went in the potty chair I gave him a piece of candy. Took less than a week and he was going.

  2. My son was the same way--and he wasn't potty trained till 1 WEEK BEFORE his 4th birthday.  THe doctor had said if he wasn't well on the way by the time he turned 4, she'd evaluate him for problems.

    I had tried everything as well, but he just had no desire to use the potty.  Well, about 2 weeks before he turned 4, he started waking up dry every morning.  After the third morning, I just said to him, "That's it!  If you can stay dry overnight, you are too big for diapers."  And I put him in underpants from then on.  Yes, we stayed home a lot and I did laundry like every day, but within a week, he was well on the way to using the potty all the time.  Plus I used a sticker chart, as someone else suggested.

    Bottom line is, until he's physically and mentally ready, it's a wasted effort.  That's what my mom always said.  :)

  3. some children are just like that I had a boy in the preschool that I taught @ that was the same way, but one day he just wanted to do it & that was it ( he was also 3&1/2)

    you could let your child know that all the children his age use the potty you could even put cheerios in the toilet for him to aim @ when he goes or you can give him a treat for every time he tries to use the toilet ( I gave my son yogurt covered raisins & told him it was candy)

    good luck  

  4. try real discipline, hes three and if he wants to be treated like a big boy he is going to have to act like it. take away all privileges such as candy, tv, toys, anything fun. he gets them back when he uses the toilet

    try humiliating him in public. example) your at mcdonalds and he wants a happy meal. buy it for him but dont give him the toy and say (so other people in the resturant can hear you) "no they only give out toys to big boys who can use the bathroom"

    if that doesnt work you could try a smack in the back of the head

  5. First is this your brother or son? this could mean that he is just not adjusted to you,  I potty trained my brother When he was 2½  he was real stubborn but i bribed him with candy and what he liked.  I also had to be real calm with him.  I  tried to put examples of kids like him in a potty and i showed him how to get on the potty trainer he will problably get jealouse. I clapped for him when he accomplished something.  I hope this works write me back .  

  6. I've just finished potty training my daughter who has just turned 3 this week. Like you I had a deadline as she is due to start preschool soon. Good on you for seeking help, I've been reading up on it and it is really important not to leave it much longer as diaper dependence can have some serious health risks. Make a plan of attack focussing on what your boy will enjoy, is he into role play? (act out using the potty with one of his toys and make a big fuss over them 'going successfully') or would a sticker chart work? ( have a small treat every 2 or 3 spaces like a lollipop and then a toy or something at the top of chart) does he have a favourite cartoon etc? (get him a pack of spiderman/thomas/bob the builder etc underwear). Make a plan and stick to it. I used a potty training program for my daughter which I'd really recommend as it gives you step by step advice. Good luck and stick with it its such a great feeling when you get success, (I've even written a blog about our struggle and eventual success story )

  7. I have a two year old and he is going on his potty I let him watch his dad and big brother and he was intrested in it. So then I started letting him wera under ware but he would still go in them so then I had him run around naked for about a week and a half when he didnt have a dipar on or under ware he would go no problem. So he went naked for about a week at home we did nothing but stay home so he would go and now he can wear under wera and tell me that he has to go. We still have about 2 accidents a day but he is doing great. And I never offered candy or anything but a great job and a hug and kiss because I feel that learning to go potty is something they need to do without rewards. Good Luck  

  8. offer rewards for going to the potty, like one sticker for pee, two for p**p, and then when the potty chart is all filled up (he should be full trained by then) he gets to pick a prize. Also take him to the store and let him pick out a couple packs of might just excite him enough that he'll want to potty train so he can wear them.  

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