
How to practice Parkour an in individual.

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What are some good drills, stunts work, and jumps. I get up in the morning and run for an hour if that helps.




  1. Holy h**l! yeah that helps. You need high stamina to be able to do parkour, so yeah it helps. Pretty much just practice the basics and make sure you are in good shape. Work out all of your muscles, because you'll need them all.  

  2. Slipping and falling on your face and other body parts I guess.  I've seen it on TV and of course on Casino Royale.  It looks really dangerous and pretty stupid too.

  3. If you are new to parkour, I suggest you especially work on landings (ie the shoulder roll) as improper technique can lead to injury, more so if you do not have any other traceurs to help you.

    The difficult part of training as an individual is the motivation required to push yourself up and out of your comfort zones in order to advance. One thing I have problems with when training alone is people staring and watching. While I'm good mannered about it and will talk to them about parkour, it can be unnerving, and it takes a lot of self confidence to continue in front of them.

    My individual training consist of drilling myself. I will go to a certain rail or wall, and I will practice precision after precision, vault after vault, wall pass after wall pass until I manage to get to a point where I believe that I could not fail at passing that obstacle. This however is dry, but I can handle it since I train in a group as well. If you do not have access to a local group it may also be difficult and it will be harder to keep yourself going, but if you keep it up you will benefit.

    As far as fitness conditioning for parkour goes, you will want to work on  power. Power is being able to exert a lot of force in a short amount of time, such as jumping. Working your upper body with pull ups, chin ups and muscle ups is key for wall passes and climbs, while working your lower body will work on precisions, jumps and climbs.

    Another form of exercise you may want to consider is a branch called "plyometrics". Plyometrics are a lot of jumping exercises aimed at working to increase power. To save on space I will post some links to plyometric resources in the sources section.

    I hope my answer helped in some way. Good luck with your training.

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