
How to practice drawing?

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Art was my passion when I was younger. I still love arts and designing but I kinda gave up on it coz I keep comparing to others and stopped practicing.

I know the basics. I know how to use colors to make a painting interesting. I do graphics. I shade and whatnot. I know that I'm better than most people I know whenever we have Art class. I get a lot of compliments, actually.

It feels like art is the only thing I'm good at. I get sad that I'm throwing away my skills so I want to start again. Learn new things. Do what I did best. But how? How do you amazing artists out there get so good? And how do you get ideas to draw this and that?




  1. i usually read books a think i wonder what that would look like if i draw it, the ideas come from there. i practise basic skills everyday to perfect my shading. i do find people hard to draw but sceneries i cant get enough of. just find what interests you in art find yourself and just draw and let the talent shine through

  2. just draw

  3. take an art classes.

    start practicing by getting a how to draw book and practice drawing random things

    you'll get good if you just keep on practicing!

  4. I enjoy drawing and I usually get my ideas from books and magazines, you could also buy a drawing book or get one from the library. Don't give up if you have talent, and try not to compare yourself to other people, everybody has their own style.

    Hope I could help and good luck!

  5. I have been an artist for 45 years. I graduated from the University of the Arts and have been interested in art my entire life. My best advice to you would be art school. But if you cannot afford it, do this. Do not buy any books that are titled, "How to Draw Horses" or "How to Draw Landscapes". They really teach you nothing.They don't teach you how to draw! They only teach you how to copy the pictures in there books. What you need to do is to learn how to see. I would reccomend the book called "Drawing On the Right Side Of the Brain" by Betty Edwards. In this book, you will see a good number of before and after pictures of beginners artists work after they had read her book. It will really, really help you. I hope I have given you what you need.


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