
How to practice kissing?

by Guest61580  |  earlier

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my guy friend needs work on his kissing, and i don't want to be his practice tool. what's the best way that he can practice?

thank you for your answers.




  1. Kissing you can't practice without a person. Practice makes person perfect. However few tips for the same.

    Treat the lips as object of desire. It is not a steak so don't eat it :). Treat is like ice cream, you gotta l**k it, suck it. No to hard but softly. Use both your lips to play with the lips of your partner. Then you can suck the tongue of the other person. l**k and suck the tongue.

    These are few tips but kissing is an art and you gotta practice it.

  2. i 'practiced' on my best friend, and sadly it had dire concequences and turned into a very tricky situation. So best advise him against practicing on people. Just tell him that he can get his practice in when he starts dating someone...if they're worth it, they'll understand why he may not be the best kisser at first...not many people are when they first start out i'm sure.

  3. lol  

  4. a mirror will do the trick.

  5. Unless you want him to kiss other girls then accept him for his lousy kissing talents

  6. a cosmopolitan magazine i read one time said use a pillow?

    i don't think i'd suggest it, peronally, but hey.

    there's gotta be a girl somewhere that digs him that would gladly be his practice tool.

    good luck !

  7. Tell him to practice on a dog!

  8. I am always tickled by ? like this one because I am a mother of teen age girls and I wonder what they think about something like this, I will say this and let it go, when I was younger yeah I was LOL anyway when I was younger and learning I would practice on the back of my hand and also in the mirror and even on a doll (the Ken doll), if this is your friend and not a boyfriend then I would not cross that line and help him, maybe his kissing is not for you but, if he gets a girlfriend maybe it will be okay for her, just don't try to make him do it the way YOU like because he is not your guy right? Good Luck on that and always think safe.......Lil Angel

  9. well if hes not ur bf, tell him to get a gf and pracitce on her.

  10. HAVE HIM PRACTICE ON HIS HAND OR Make sure your breath is fresh and clean. Naturally you practice good dental hygiene, but if you have any doubts about your breath, take a breath mint shortly before the kiss. Make sure to finish the mint before you lock lips.

    Approach the kiss with confidence. Once you've chosen the right moment to kiss someone, there's no turning back, especially if it's your first time kissing that particular person. Be decisive and confident. If the person doesn't want the kiss, he or she will let you know, but until then, act as though you're a pro.

    Angle your heads so that you don't bump noses.Lean in and turn your head slightly. Leaning in signals that you want to kiss the person, and turning your head prevents crushing your nose against the other person's.

    Start slowly. Don't try to thrust your tongue in your partner's mouth right away. Simply press your lips against theirs. Close your eyes as you do so to heighten the intimacy and to avoid looking at the pores on your partner's nose. Imagine your eyes are being controlled by a dimmer switch.

    Open your lips slightly. Once the kiss is accepted, try opening your lips slightly. If the other person follows suit, try slightly varying the openness of your lips (both more and less open) throughout the kiss. You may wish to explore the person's lips and tongue a bit with the tip of your tongue. There are no rules; just try to make your motions smooth.

    Consider the French Kiss. As the kiss progresses, you may want to try French kissing, in which you insert your tongue deep into your partner's mouth and let it dance with your partner's tongue.

    Try some necking. If things are going well, consider spicing it up a bit by moving your head down to kiss and lightly nibble your partner's neck.

    Keep your arms busy. You seldom, maybe never, see a great kiss in which the participants just let their arms dangle at their sides. At the very least, embrace your partner and gently pull him or her to you. You can also run your hands through your partner's hair; or caress his or her back, sides, or other parts of the body. Wrapping your arms around your partner can also be a big TURN-ON!! Where you put your hands should be determined by the status of your relationship, your desires, and your partner's signals, whether spoken or communicated non-verbally.

  11. Dear lord... the female s*x are so demanding! So he's a bad kisser so what? as long as your not in it for just the 'action' i wouldn't make a fuss.

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