
How to preserve a turtle?

by  |  earlier

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my turtle died, and i want to preserve it in some sort of liquid. how would i do that? how much would it cost? what liquid and where would i get it?





  1. freeze drying would be a better long term solution...

  2. The most frequently used commercial preservative for animal specimens to be used in dissection is a fluid called formaline. I'm really not sure where you can get it retail, but you could try a local college or high school biology class/lab. They almost always have leftovers if they do dissection.

  3. the true answers>>

    Formalin is a good fixative but it has to reach the internal organs. This means either injecting it through a hypodermic syringe or slicing the skin. Full-strength formalin should be diluted 1:9. WARNING: formalin is poisonous and can cause damage if you just breathe it in. Work outdoors or in a chemical hood. After a week of fixing, remove the turtle to water for a day. Then place it in 70% alcohol (ethanol or isopropanol) for preservation and keep the specimen in a dark place.  or Freeze it until you can get preservatives. You can order preservatives through mail but it is expensive. It is a liquid that keeps your pet from rotting. Or you can stuff it. Some people believe stuffing an animal is a way of celebrating the life of a pet. This is very costly though

  4. i know that when you go to the beach, you often find turtle shells-the turtle inside has long died, and decayed away-nothing is needed to preserve the shell-why not just put it somewhere safe, and leave it for a while, and let nature take its course-it you want to preserve the whole turtle, you will have to take it to a taxidermist-that would cost money-saving the shell would be free.

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