
How to prevent being pregnant after unsafe s*x for more than 72 hours. would the morning pill be effective?

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can anyone help me with my problem? it would be my happiest day,.. i dont want to have a child because im still young and i am still a student.. i still have goal in life




  1. If you truly don't want to have a child then the first thing you should start using condoms or birth control. Since it is 72 hours you still have a chance you just need to take the morning after pill as soon as you can. Getting pregnant isn't always the easiest thing to do but is a high risk but don't take chances take your morning after pill and i recommend you to take b.c. and use condoms. Because you can't just use the morning after pill every time their is a mistake and definitely not abortion there are people out there who really want babies and are having a hard time getting one (such as me and my husband) so please be careful and i pray everything works out for the best! Good luck!

  2. the ECP is ONLY effective IF taken within 72 hours. After that it will not help you. If you truly do not want a baby you need to look into adoption, but if you are thinking abortion, that is something you have to sit down with an actual medical professional about, not us.

  3. it is called the morning after pill for a reason.

  4. You really should be concerned about STD's as well.

    Use a condom!

  5. If it's after 72 hours then the morning after pill won't work.  I suppose your left with having to take a pregnancy test and find out if you actually are.

    Then if you don't want to have one i guess abortion is the only choice. Sorry!

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