
How to prevent diabtetes?

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On my moms side of the family, all the woman have severe diabetes. my aunt loses feeling in her feet alot, and my grandmother's blood sugar sometimes goes to 300 and she did not do anything to cause it.

is there any way i can prevent diabetes?




  1. not realy but dont get over weight excercise helps when its in the family you probley come down with diabetes  good luck

  2. Unfortunately sometimes diabetes is inherited.  A good diet and exercise can help, and not being over weight.  But if it is in your genes sometimes there really isn't anything you can do.  Have a talk with your doc if this is worrying you.

  3. Here are the pair of articles for you:



    I hope it will help.

  4. Since you have a family history of diabetes, you may not be able to keep it away, but you surely can lower your chances of getting it.  Just make sure to keep your weight within a normal range for you, exercise regularily and eat healthy.  Since you do have a family history of diabetes, then maybe also when you do see a doctor maybe for a yearly checkup, have yourself tested to see where you stand for being at risk for diabetes.  Then atleast then you will know ahead of time if there is anything you may need to nip in the butt.  

  5. You didn't specify if they had Type 1 diabetes or Type 2. Type 1 is not preventable, it is an auto immune problem. Type 2, however, can be very preventable.

    You do have a predisposition to it because it runs on your mother's side of the family. It's a good thing that you know this- some people don't have their family histories. Anyway, if you look at these women who have diabetes, you will find that if you calculate their BMI ( that they are probably all overweight to an extent or another or if they're not they are extremely thin because of poor control & their body wasting away. That is your first clue on how to prevent it. Watch your weight.

    Secondly, pay attention to their eating habbits. I'm sure that you'll see that they eat foods very high in carbs. We all need carbs, but they can be very deadly.

    Thirdly, pay attention to your body. Look for the symptoms of diabetes. Excess thirst, which leads to excess urination, is a prevalant sign. Weight gain because of all the excess sugar in the body is another. Also, do you ever have incidents of lightheadedness when you haven't eaten in awhile? That could be caused by low blood sugar (hypglycemia) and a lot of times hypoglycemia is a precursor to diabetes.

    Lastly, get a good Dr. and ask him plently of questions regarding your family history & your health & future.

    Good luck!

  6. If you're talking about type 1 diabetes- No it cannot be prevented. You also have a high chance of getting it because of your family having it.

    Now if you're talking about type 2, I don't believe you will get it unless you eat unhealthy/do not exercise.

    The one you need to look out for is type 1, it can hit random people with no history of the disease too, the causes are unknown.

  7. Definitely! youi need to ensure your eating right, and getting your daily requirement of exercise. the same goes for my mom's side, but my grandmother isn't alive to have any difficulties. So she had a nutritionist and i go to the appointments, take notes and follow with my mom's meals. If you want i can email you some of the things i do. Basically, everyone is supposed to be eating/living a "diabetic diet" but they call it a lifestyle change because if a diabetic can keep their blood sugar under control with the way they are eating, so can we, but we can use it to control/keep the disease from hitting us. try to eat mostly veggies, 2 or 3 fruits a day, low amount of junk food, like 2x a week and limit your sugars or starchs because you'll notice if your mom eats lots of potatoes or rice that her sugar flys, but if its just chicken and some veggies it will stay relatively low. good luck! and check out my profile.

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