
How to prevent lack of education or the plans how to avoid lack of education?

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How to prevent lack of education or the plans how to avoid lack of education?




  1. With our children they never really knew they had a choice, we started college funds when they were born, and when we discussed college it was always WHEN you go to college, not "if". I spent hundreds of volunteer hours at their schools, because we cared, they cared We never ever missed a school function, whether it was an awards ceremony, a play, open house and even though their grades were straight A's we never missed a parent teacher conference. I even ran for a seat on the school parent advisory committee, what ever we could do to encourage our children and to let them know we thought an education was the best thing we could give them, we did. We also started good study habits early on, by 5th grade we didn't even have to ask if they had home work, our daughter did hers right after dinner, while she talked on the phone, our son was a multi tasker also, he could talk on the phone, listen to music, and be instant messaging while doing his homework and still maintain a 4.4

    weighted GPA taking advanced placement classes, as long as they did their homework and maintained good grades, we let them do it however they wanted and resisted the temptation to tell them to hang up, turn down, and get off! Our Daughter is a teacher and our son is at the university of Fl for Chemical Engineering.

  2. I will answer this in a two fold manner. If you are asking  how to prevent a lack of education, the answer is seemingly simple-go to school. If the underlying question is, how can someone prevent themselves from having a lack of education if getting involved in the school system might endanger their living status-the answer is to surround yourself with intelligent people. Not all intelligent people went to school. Read-the library is free. Check out various books on tapes. Spend time listening to people, discuss something that you are curious about with someone who may be knowledgeable in that area. WRITE!!! Write about your thoughts, your goals, your wishes. Re-read these in a month, to see if you have made any changes in your life or learned something that YOU value.

    Set goals that you can achieve!

    How to avoid a lack of education-make sure you take advantage of all the opportunities that you can. Look at each situation you go through as a learning experience. Aspire to do great things!!!

    Finally, have faith in yourself!

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