
How to prevent my doggie from biting me?

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playful bites... but it hurts.




  1. Tell the dog no firmly, but don't hit (it is traumatizing).  If a firm no doesn't work, get a spray bottle and put tap water in it.  Next time the dog bites, tell the dog no and at the same time, spray it with the water.  Just be careful not to spray the dog up the nose.  Water tends to get a dogs attention.

    Hope that helps.

  2. Never 'punch' your dogs teeth out that is abuse and only a sick minded individual would do something like that!!

    It sounds like your dog is a puppy? Well, puppies have very sharp little teeth for various reasons. One of them is to learn how hard to bite! When playing with other dogs and litter mates they will play bite. If they bite too hard, the dog on the receiving end will 'yelp' and the puppy will stop immediately. in this way he learns that biting will result in an unpleasant sound. You can employ this tactic, when your dog bites too hard 'yelp' if you have done it right your dog should stop immediately. End the game and walk away or turn away from your dog. Dogs hate to be ignored and will learn very quickly that his behaviour causes the game to end.

    Keep in mind that a dog should never bite on a human. We are not chew toys! and what is cute in a puppy becomes a problem in a Great Dane! Teach your dog from young what you expect from him as an adult. By the time a puppy is 7 weeks old he has the abilities of an adult, he is just missing the experience!

    Use tuggy toys and balls to play not hands and feet!

    Good luck and keep playing..

  3. "Never 'punch' your dogs teeth out that is abuse and only a sick minded individual would do something like that!!"

    I agree where are these rejects that post that kind of stuff coming from?

  4. No matter how cute your new puppy may be, if he or she is chewing and biting on you, your family members and guests - he or she probably doesn't seem quite as cute. In fact, if the pup's chewing and biting habits are not controlled, he or she might actually hurt someone, or destroy the contents of your home. Training is necessary to teach some puppies appropriate chewing and biting behaviors.

    First, you have to understand that many puppies that have a biting problem were taken from their mother too soon. The mother dog and litter mates have a way of teaching each other when the chewing and biting have gone too far.

    When those sharp, little teeth start coming in and the pup nips the mother dog, she will usually leave the area. This makes the pup question his actions. When the pup bites litter mates too hard, it is usually met with a loud yelp that startles the biting pup. If the pup continues his wicked ways, the other pups will usually nip him harder. It is a lesson he or she does not forget.

    Second, you should purchase chew toys for your puppy. Buy something that is mentally challenging to the pup. If it is not, he or she may prefer to bite on your nose or the chair legs in your dining room.

    Many pet owners who have problems with their puppy's chewing and biting habits purchase chew toys that have a treat inside of them. A dog's sense of smell will keep him or her chewing on the toy all afternoon to reach the yummy treat inside. Once the dog understands that there are no benefits to biting on you, he or she will start looking for favored chew toys.

    Third, when the pup bites you, handle it like his or her litter mates or mother would. Make a noise that tells the pup that you are hurt. Even if the puppy is only chewing on your shoe strings or pajama bottoms, open up your mouth and let out a loud yelp. If that doesn't teach the puppy that he or she shouldn't bite and nip, leave the room just like the mother dog would. If the puppy simply follows you through the house biting at your heels, let out a yelp and then place him or her in a crate. Do not hold a grudge and keep the puppy locked up too long. A simple timeout will work. Never take the offending puppy out of the crate if he or she is whining. Wait until he or she is quiet.

    If you follow these tips, you should be well on your way to having a puppy that doesn't chew, nibble or bite on you

  5. dont play with ur dog

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