
How to prevent pollution?

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How to prevent pollution?




  1. use less

    recycle more

    always look for creative answers

  2. There are a number of things that the individual can do to reduce pollution.  These incude:

    Recycle everything you can - plastics, cans, paper, boxes, bags

    Buy products with less packaging when possible

    Use less power by - keeping your thermostat a little lower in winter and higher in summer, using the lower power fluorescent light bulbs, turning off lights when they aren't needed

    Use less gas - walk or ride a bike when feasible, use a vehicle that gets good gas mileage.

    If building a home, use an energy efficient system for heating and cooling, a programmable thermostat, insulate it well, use energy-efficient appliances

    Also, support pollution prevention legislation.  Many things have to be done by industry, but often have to be required by law before they comply.

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