
How to prevent soreness?

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I am going to a football camp, that last 3 days. We are going to have 3 a day practices, and run alot. I know I'm going to be sore how can I prevent it? And don't say hot shower, because we have to take cold showers.




  1. Stretch each muscle group for at least 60 seconds before and after your workouts

    Hydrate! Lots of water or an electrolyte containing sports drink

    Ice the worked muscle group immediately after especially hard workouts  

  2. stretch it out 1st thing in the am! It's like drinking to cure a hangover the more the better ;)

  3. If you are not sore, you are doing it all wrong and no where near hard enough. Being sore comes with the territory. You can try to minimize the effects, but you can not totally eradicate them.

  4. drink tons of water

    muscles need water!

  5. Adequate stretching will help to reduce soreness.

  6. STRECTH!!!!!

  7. Stretching is important. To prevent cramping, you can eat bannanas, drink pickle juice, or eat some baby food.  

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